Salvation Stories

This series of Bible story lessons can be used to share the good news of Jesus with those who do not follow Him, and to emphasize the assurance of salvation to those who profess Christ as Saviour.

Lists of Key Bible Stories

These lists of Bible stories are for you to craft stories in your own language and words from Scripture. Follow the instructions for “Oral Narration of Bible Stories and Bible Study” to learn how to prepare and lead a study.

Lists of Discipleship Stories for New Believers

These lists of Bible stories are for you to craft in your own language and words from Scripture. Topics include assurance of salvation, baptism, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, forgiveness, evangelism, the church, the Lord’s Supper, prayer, persecution, the power of God, and the characteristics of a Christian. Follow the instructions for “Oral Narration of Bible Stories and Bible Study” to prepare and lead these studies.

Elijah and Faith Bible Stories

Christians are called to remain faithful even when situations are difficult, uncomfortable, or painful. These Bible story lessons teach the importance of faith through events in the life of Elijah the prophet.