My Faith

What does it mean to be a Christian? What must we be, know, and do as followers of Jesus Christ? And how does biblical discipleship differ from popular versions of “Christianity” that stray far from the truths of the Bible? These resources help us understand what it means to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” (Luke 10:27).  

As histórias de “A Pérola de Grande Valor”

Este estudo bíblico faz parte de um projeto maior para fornecer ensino bíblico às pessoas que vivem na África subsaariana. Muitas pessoas na região ouviram ensinamentos sobre prosperidade, o chamado evangelho da prosperidade. Seus proponentes afirmam que seu ensino de prosperidade é cristão, mas na realidade, ele inverte o cristianismo. Como John Piper colocou, “Se você pode mandar em Deus, você é Deus.” Em vez de instruir os cristãos a servirem a Deus, o ensino…

The Marks of a Disciple

This Bible study walks through the 6 marks of a disciple of Jesus. It is a journey through scripture examining what a transformed heart, mind, affections, will, relationships and purpose look like in the life of those who follow Christ. It is a great resource for personal reflection, as a discipleship tool for new believers and for churches.

Grow Discipleship Set

This small book helps new believers grow in their walk with Jesus, gives them a good foundation to continue learning, and helps them be rooted and built up in Christ.

Zambia Bible School Curriculum

This curriculum was developed for use in a rural Bible school system. Courses include Old and New Testament, Christian ethics and doctrine, church leadership, church planting, marriage and family, preaching and teaching, and more.

Demonology for the Global Church

Christian communities are in desperate need of a biblical understanding of the demonic – an understanding that will transcend cultural frameworks, challenge assumptions, rebuke errors, and unite Christians in scriptural truth. This book endeavors to provide the biblical and theological essentials for a unified Christian perspective of the demonic

Helpful Doctrinal Statements

Baptist churches and organizations have adopted confessions of faith as a witness to the world, and as instruments of doctrinal accountability. The documents included here can help you understand and clarify your own beliefs.

Introduction to Hermeneutics

Hermeneutics deals with general principles for interpreting the Bible. The primary purpose is to discover the truths and values expressed in the Bible. This theological studies course was created to be taught in a church setting.

God and Woman

This series of Bible lessons focuses on the unique worldview and spiritual needs of women. They were created for evangelism among Muslim women but also can be used for other purposes with other groups.

Commands of Christ

This Bible study series equips followers of Jesus to obey His commands. These include the commands to repent and believe, to be baptized, to pray, to make disciples, to love, to persevere, to practice the Lord’s Supper, to give, and to gather.

Abandoned Gospel

This book confronts Neo-Pentecostalism and the prosperity gospel – two groups representing a religion that has abandoned the gospel and is now preaching a gospel that is no gospel at all.

The Issue of Pentecostal Praying

This small book explains what the Scripture teaches about corporate prayer and why the practice of “Pentecostal praying” is not biblical. It discusses seven reasons to avoid this style of praying in public worship services.